
The Peterson Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service allows us to supplement our resources by obtaining material from other libraries for you. As a member of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) consortium, we have borrowing and lending arrangements with thousands of libraries worldwide. The materials you request should be related to the 网赌上分平台 coursework or research. We submit your orders and process incoming deliveries the same day we receive them, and we encourage you to take advantage of this convenient service.

ILL request forms are available at the library Information Desk, 在图书馆的网站上也可以找到. You should complete a separate ILL request form for each book or article requested. Bibliographic citations should be as accurate and complete as possible. 不正确或不完整的信息, 例如缩写或缺少出版日期, 会减慢材料的接收速度吗.

  • 所有网赌上分平台的教员, staff and currently enrolled students may request material through the ILL service. (This includes those students currently enrolled at the 网赌上分平台/SE and other 网赌上分平台 satellite campuses.)校友可以花5美元申请生病.每件00美元的费用,以帮助支付处理费用. Patrons not currently affiliated with the University are not eligible (i.e.,高中生,礼券持有者).

  • Books, music, 政府文件, 一些视听材料, technical reports and some microform materials can be borrowed. 非流通材料的影印本, 比如期刊上的文章, 可以按照版权法要求吗. Items lost or missing from the 网赌上分平台 Library can also be obtained.

  • 根据国家馆际互借法典, the following materials may not be borrowed from other libraries: books owned by the Peterson Library but temporarily in use and whole issues of periodicals. It is the Peterson Library's policy not to order course textbooks. We can attempt to procure audiovisual materials and dissertations for patrons, 但这些要求有时得不到满足, as it is often difficult to find libraries willing to lend these materials.

  • 为了公平对待所有顾客, the 网赌上分平台 Library reserves the right to limit the number of requests placed by an individual at one time. We may also refuse to borrow for anyone who is late in returning ILL materials, 任何滥用特权的人, 或任何退还受损材料的人. It is of paramount importance that we maintain excellent relations with our lending libraries, so that we can continue to borrow materials and remain an OCLC member in good standing.

  • Requests for books and AV materials usually take 1-2 weeks to be filled because the items need to be mailed. However, 获取材料所需的时间各不相同, 取决于所寻找材料的性质和地点. Requests for articles can be filled faster (often within 2-5 days), 因为这些项目通常可以通过传真或电子方式发送. Keep in mind that while we make requests for our patrons the same day we receive them, fulfillment of these requests is dependent on the lending library's response.

  • A list of journal titles requested by the 网赌上分平台 Library will be kept by library staff for each calendar year. The "Rule of Five" has to be observed: a library can request no more than five articles from a single title less than five years old during a single calendar year. 一旦达到配额, no more such requests from that journal can be processed for the rest of the year.

  • The Interlibrary Loan Department makes every attempt to deal with lenders who do not charge fees. However, sometimes a patron orders something that is available only at a library that charges fees. When the lending library requires a transaction fee or charges for photocopying, 顾客要为这些费用负责. A check made out to the lending library has to be submitted to the 网赌上分平台 ILL department before any material can be picked up.(所有这些费用必须在提出申请时支付. The fee is payable by check or in cash at the Circulation Desk.)

  • The ILL Department will notify you by phone or e-mail when the material has arrived. You may state your preference for notification on your ILL request form.

  • 图书的借阅期限由外借图书馆决定.

  • Please contact the ILL Department four days before the due date if you need to request a renewal. The due date is on the white book strap wrapped around the book's front cover. If the lending library honors the renewal request, you will be notified of the new due date. If the lending library denies the renewal, you should return the material to us. If you do not return ILL material to the Peterson Library by the due date, your borrowing privileges will be restricted until the material is returned.

  • Any material borrowed through Interlibrary Loan (except photocopies) must be returned to the Peterson Library's Circulation Desk.

  • You as the borrower are responsible for any damage to or loss of ILL materials that you have checked out. Your ILL borrowing privileges will be restricted by the Peterson Library until you pay the lending library for the loss or damage. The fine will be set by the lending library and you can make your payment through the Peterson Library.


关于ILL服务的问题? Phone us at 203-932-7194 or email us.