
Internship and Cooperative Education opportunities are supervised discipline-related work experiences. 工作经验可能是兼职或全职,可以有报酬或无报酬. 构建体验的重要元素, 它与短期工作或志愿者工作的区别在于:

  1. 有意识的体验式学习策略,
  2. 强调专业发展,
  3. 工作表现评估;及
  4. 反思与承认.

Students satisfy the Experiential Education – Internship and Cooperative education requirement by enrolling in a specific Internship or Cooperative Education course. Enrollment in an internship or co-operative education course must be approved by the internship instructor or cooperative education coordinator. Note: Experiential Education for Internships and Cooperative Education is inclusive of a broad range of learning experiences such as Practicum, 顶石, 野外研究, 等.

以下八条原则, 考虑了NSEE的实践标准, 是否有必要建立一个可行的体验式学习机会.

不管体验式学习活动, 经验和学习都是基础. In the learning process and in the relationship between the learner and any facilitator(s) of learning, 我们有共同的责任. 所有各方都有权实现下列原则. 然而,, 同时, the facilitator(s) of learning are expected to take the lead in ensuring both the quality of the learning experience and of the work produced, 帮助学习者运用这些原则, 体验式教育教学法的基础是什么.

  1. Intention: All parties must be clear from the outset why experience is the chosen approach to the learning that is to take place and to the knowledge that will be demonstrated, 应用的或由此产生的. 意图代表了使经验变成知识和, 像这样, 比目标更深刻吗, 目标, 以及定义体验的活动.
  2. Preparedness and Planning: Participants must ensure that they enter the experience with sufficient foundation to support a successful experience. They must also focus from the earliest stages of the experience/program on the identified intentions, 坚持把它们作为目标, 确定了目标和活动. The resulting plan should include those intentions and be referred to on a regular basis by all parties. At the same time, it should be flexible enough to allow for adaptations as the experience unfolds.
  3. Authenticity: The experience must have a real world context and/or be useful and meaningful in reference to an applied setting or situation. This means that is should be designed in concert with those who will be affected by or use it, 或者是对真实情况的回应.
  4. Reflection: Reflection is the element that transforms simple experience to a learning experience. For knowledge to be discovered and internalized the learner must test assumptions and hypotheses about the outcomes of decisions and actions taken, 然后将结果与过去的学习和未来的影响进行权衡. 这种反思过程是体验式学习所有阶段的组成部分, 从识别意图和选择体验, 考虑先入为主的观念,并观察它们如何随着经验的展开而变化. 反思也是调整经验和衡量结果的重要工具.
  5. Orientation and Training: For the full value of the experience to be accessible to both the learner and the learning facilitator(s), 以及任何相关的组织合作伙伴, it is essential that they be prepared with important background information about each other and about the context and environment in which the experience will operate. 一旦认识到这个底线, ongoing structured development opportunities should also be included to expand the learner’s appreciation of the context and skill requirements of her/his work.
  6. Monitoring and Continuous Improvement: Any learning activity will be dynamic and changing, 而相关各方都有责任确保体验, 因为它正在进行中, 继续提供尽可能丰富的学习, 同时肯定学习者. It is important that there be a feedback loop related to learning intentions and quality 目标 and that the structure of the experience be sufficiently flexible to permit change in response to what that feedback suggests. While reflection provides input for new hypotheses and knowledge based in documented experience, other strategies for observing progress against intentions and 目标 should also be in place. 监控和持续改进是形成性评价工具.
  7. Assessment and Evaluation: Outcomes and processes should be systematically documented with regard to initial intentions and quality outcomes. Assessment is a means to develop and refine the specific learning goals and quality 目标 identified during the planning stages of the experience, while evaluation provides comprehensive data about the experiential process as a whole and whether it has met the intentions which suggested it.
  8. Acknowledgment: Recognition of learning and impact occur throughout the experience by way of the reflective and monitoring processes and through reporting, 记录和分享成就. All parties to the experience should be included in the recognition of progress and accomplishment. Culminating documentation and celebration of learning and impact help provide closure and sustainability to the experience.


我们鼓励对学生为贵公司所做的贡献给予补偿. Pay may help you attract more quality candidates as well as solidify time commitments from interns. Many students work their way through college and often give up a paying part-time position to take a degree-related internship. 也, the cost of gas is outrageous and having to purchase gas to attend a non-paying job places a tremendous burden on a student, 因此,获得某种形式的报酬是值得赞赏的. 如果你是非营利组织的一部分,你不能提供一个固定的工资, 考虑帮助学生支付与实习相关的费用,比如停车费, 里程, 餐, 等. Some companies have gotten around the ‘hiring an intern’ issue in their organizations by paying a fair stipend for a ‘project’ or ‘contract assignment’.

无薪学生就业不违反 公平劳动标准法 如果该培训项目符合以下所有标准:

  1. 培训应该类似于在职业环境中提供的培训,
  2. 这种经历是为了学生的利益,
  3. 学生不做正式员工的工作,
  4. the site sponsor provides the training and receives no immediate advantage from the activities of the student(s),
  5. students are not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training period, and
  6. the site sponsor and student understand that the student is not entitled to wages for the time spent in training.